“Let’s go on Space Mountain!” Isabel yelled. “The line isn’t long.”
My daughter grabbed my hand and began pulling me through the light-sabered, mouse-eared, churro-smelling, Dole Whip-stickied people trying to get in the line at Star Tours.
It was day two of our three-day trip to Disneyland.
We had made a pact that we wouldn’t see the new Star Wars section, Galaxy’s Edge until we could all go together. Sebastian had loved Star Wars and would have loved Disney’s most recent interactive ride, Rise of the Resistance.
I didn’t cry as much as I thought I would. We also went to Disney on Sebastian’s first anniversary, and I wore his sunglasses to “The Happiest Place on Earth.” I managed to get through the day until my Ray-Ban-covered eyes teared up when I saw the young Jedi trainees going through their lessons in Tomorrowland.
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